SR - Seattle Rotaract
SR stands for Seattle Rotaract
Here you will find, what does SR stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Seattle Rotaract? Seattle Rotaract can be abbreviated as SR What does SR stand for? SR stands for Seattle Rotaract. What does Seattle Rotaract mean?Seattle Rotaract is an expansion of SR
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Alternative definitions of SR
View 357 other definitions of SR on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- STA Seattle Tilth Association
- STC Seattle Tutoring Coalition
- SU Seattle University
- SUCNSEM Seattle University Center for Nonprofit and Social Enterprise Management
- SUCLP Seattle University Children's Literacy Project
- SUNP Seattle Urban Nature Project
- SW Seattle Works
- SWPS Seattle World Percussion Society
- SYPP Seattle Young People's Project
- SYGW Seattle Youth Garden Works
- SCBC Second Canaan Baptist Church
- SCBRNYNJNE Second Chance Boxer Rescue - NY, NJ, and New England
- SCCHHS Second Chance Christian Heritage Home School
- SCF Second Chance Farm
- SCH Second Chance Housing
- SCYPM Second Chance Youth Program of Monterey
- SHFBMT Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee
- STT Second Thought Theater
- SWD Second Wind Dream